Get Ready for the Return of Chinese Travelers!

Are you involved in the travel industry? Whether you manage a travel agency, own a hotel, or organize tours, you've probably felt the impact of the last few years. The global travel scene came to a near standstill, leading many businesses to struggle significantly.

But here’s the good news: things are finally looking up. This year, we’ve seen a remarkable rebound. International flights are back in the air, and travel expos and tradeshows are buzzing with activity once more.

Now is the perfect time to gear up for the return of travelers from one of the largest and most spending-heavy markets in the world—the Chinese market. Remember, this market has consistently been at the forefront of global travel spending. They’re ready to explore again, and they'll be looking for opportunities just like yours.

Are you prepared to meet them? Let’s make sure you’re set to welcome back the world’s top travelers.

Overcome Common Barriers for the Chinese Travel Market

You're well aware that the Chinese travel market is vast and filled with opportunity. You've known this for years. But what's holding you back from tapping into this massive market? Here are some common hurdles you might be facing:

1. Lack of knowledge about the Chinese travel market.

2. Uncertainty about how and where to start.

3. Challenges with Chinese marketing due to blocked
platforms like Google and Facebook.

4. Difficulty in finding B2B or B2C travel customers.

5. No prior experience dealing with Chinese customers.

6. Language and cultural barriers.

7. Unfamiliarity with what Chinese travelers like.

8. Uncertainty about how to price your travel packages or

9. Not knowing if your destinations are in demand among Chinese travelers.

10. The high cost perceived to enter this market.

11. Overall uncertainty on how to get started.

These concerns are common; I’ve heard them from hundreds of business owners in the travel industry. They all find the Chinese market highly attractive and are eager to dive in so they don't fall behind their competitors. However, a lack of knowledge about the market has left many frozen in place, telling themselves to "wait and see." But waiting doesn't change anything, except perhaps letting your competitors who are willing to dip their toes in the water slowly get ahead.

It’s like spotting a gold coin on the ground but hesitating too long to pick it up...

This is exactly why I created this online courses.

It’s designed to help businesses in the travel industry successfully enter and thrive in the Chinese market. Here's what you’ll achieve by taking this course:

1. Gain a full understanding of the Chinese travel market.

2. Establish a strong business presence within the market.

3. Become connected to and discoverable by potential partners and customers in China.

4. Develop and grow your network of B2B travel agents from China.

5. Attract B2C and B2B Chinese travelers.

6. Expand your business’s footprint in the Chinese travel market.

7. Get way ahead of your competitors.

8. Dominate your niche within the Chinese market.

The program includes two courses: “Unlock China Travel
and “10X Your Chinese Travelers.” Both courses are crafted from
discussions with hundreds of business owners worldwide—from hotel owners to
tour operators and marketing directors. By identifying their common concerns,
pain points, and aspirations, these courses are focused on resolving these
issues, turning what were once obstacles into stepping stones towards tapping
into the Chinese market at the best possible time.


COURSE ONE: "Unlock China Travel Market"

Total Course Length: 3 hours 10 minutes; 4 Modules 7 Lessons

After this course, you will:

1. Gain a full understanding of the Chinese travel market.

2. Establish a strong business presence within the market.

3. Become connected to and "discoverable" by potential travel partners and customers in China.


COURSE ONE: "Unlock China Travel Market"

Module 1: Understanding the Chinese Travel Market and Marketing Fundamentals

- Lesson 1: Overview of the Chinese Travel Market

- Lesson 2: Know Your Chinese Customers

Module 2: Why Western Marketing Doesn’t Work in China

- Lesson 1: Chinese Marketing Overview

Module 3: Strategic Marketing Approaches - Building Trust

- Lesson 1: Building a PresenceLesson 2: Influencer and Content Marketing

Module 4: Sales and Customer Interaction

- Lesson 1: Understanding and Engaging B2B, B2C,B2O Markets

- Lesson 2: Pricing and Competitive Strategies

Module 1:

Understanding the Chinese Travel Market and Marketing Fundamentals

In this foundational module, we'll guide you through the intricacies of the Chinese travel market to address the most common concerns faced by travel business owners worldwide. You’ll gain deep insights into:

Lesson 1: Overview of the Chinese Travel Market

1. The demographics of Chinese international travelers, including the burgeoning middle class and their spending habits.

2. Preferences and behaviors specific to Chinese travelers.

3. Popular concepts and what defines luxury travel in the Chinese context.

Lesson 2: Know Your Chinese Customers

1. Identifying key characteristics and travel patterns of
Chinese tourists.

  2. Understanding the high and low travel seasons and how Chinese national holidays influence travel.

  3. Cultural preferences regarding food, accommodations, and religious considerations.

4. Debunking common myths and misconceptions about Chinese travelers.

Module 2:

Why Western Marketing Doesn’t Work in China

Discover why traditional Western marketing strategies fall short in China and learn how to adapt your approach for success.

This module includes:

1. Understanding the differences between B2B and B2C
customers in the Chinese market.

2. Alternatives to Google for online searches and

3. SEO and social media strategies tailored for the Chinese
market, including a comparison of Google SEO versus Baidu SEO.

4. An overview of essential Chinese social media platforms
for the travel industry and tips on leveraging them to boost your business.

Module 3:

Strategic Marketing Approaches - Building Trust

Trust is crucial in any market but especially in China. This module focuses on establishing a credible, trustworthy presence that resonates with Chinese consumers and partners:

Lesson 1: Building a Presence

  1. Strategies for being discovered by Chinese travel agents despite the absence of Google and Facebook.

  2. The importance of an official Chinese website and considerations for creating a multilingual site.

  3. Navigating content sensitivity checks in China to maintain a compliant online presence.

Lesson 2: Influencer and Content Marketing

1. Understanding the roles of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and Key Opinion Consumers (KOCs) in Chinese digital marketing.

  2. Techniques for viral marketing success on Chinese social platforms.

  3. Tools for identifying fake followers and ensuring engagement authenticity.

  4. Targeting niche markets such as the middle class and lifestyle oriented travelers.

Module 4:

Sales and Customer Interaction

Engage effectively with different segments of the Chinese travel market and refine your pricing strategies to stand out competitively:

Lesson 1: Understanding and Engaging B2B, B2C, B2O Markets

1. Tailoring strategies to effectively connect with travel agents, independent travelers, and organizational clients.

  2. Techniques for overcoming language barriers and fostering long-term business relationships.

Lesson 2: Pricing and Competitive Strategies

  1. Best practices for pricing your travel services competitively without engaging in price wars.

  2. Developing competitive advantages and positioning your brand effectively within the Chinese market.


COURSE TWO: "10X Your Chinese Travelers"

Total Course Length: 4 hours 10 minutes; 2 Modules 7 Lessons

1. Develop and grow your network of B2B travel agents from China expos and trade shows.

2. Attract B2C and B2B Chinese travelers using Chinese Social Medias.

3. Expand your business’s footprint and get way ahead of your competitors.


COURSE TWO: "10X Your Chinese Travelers"

Module 1: Building Relationships and Network Expansion

- Lesson 1: B2B Networking and Tradeshows

- Lesson 2: Expo and Tradeshows Hacks

Module 2: Chinese Social Medias Hacks – Marketing your Travel Business

- Lesson 1: Overview of Major Chinese Social Media Platforms

- Lesson 2: WeChat - The Powerful Chinese APP

- Lesson 3: XHS (Little Red Book - the Chinese "Instagram")

- Lesson 4: Douyin (The Chinese TikTok)

- Lesson 5: Baidu, SEO, and Keyword Research (The Chinese "Google")

Module 1:

Building Relationships and Network Expansion

As international travel and airlines resume alongside therevival of travel expos and tradeshows, this module focuses on maximizing yourengagement and presence in these vital forums in China. You will learn:

Lesson 1: B2B Networking and Tradeshows

1. Strategies for leveraging expos to tap into the Chinese travel market.

2. The top five travel expos in China that you can't afford to miss.

3. Deciding between attending and exhibiting: which option works best for your goals.

4. Budget planning for effective tradeshow participation.

5. Understanding the dynamics of tradeshows in China.

6. Evaluating the return on investment of exhibiting at a Chinese tradeshow.

7. Tips for creating a professional looking booth on a budget.

8. Finding and working with booth decoration suppliers in China.

Lesson 2: Expo and Tradeshows Hacks

1. Essential networking hacks and relationship-building strategies specific to Chinese tradeshows.

2. How to use WeChat to connect with hundreds of businesses at tradeshows.

3. Effective use of business cards, flyers, and digital media like WeChat to enhance visibility.

4. Advanced techniques to maximize your success at Chinese tradeshows.

5. “Blackhat” tactics: Promoting your business without physically being present at tradeshows.